Prof. Woo Taik Lim
Nano Material Structure Research Lab.
Department of Chemical and Biological Eengineering
College of Engineering
Andong National University
Andong 36729
South Korea
Tel. +82-54-820-5454
Fax. +82-54-822-5452
Academic Carrier
- Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Kyungpook National University, 1993
- Master of Engineering, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Kyungpook National University, 1995
- Ph. D. of Engineering, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Kyungpook National University, 2000
- Post Doctoral Research Associate, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL), 2000.03.01. ∼ 2003.02.28.
- Post Doctoral Research Associate, Kyungwoon University, 2002.09.01. ~ 2003.02.28.
- Honorary Doctorate of Science, Mongolian National University, 2018
- SEM operator, Central Laboratory of Kyungpook National University, 1994
- XRD operator, Central Laboratory of Kyungpook National University, 1994
- Research Assistant, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Kyungpook National University, 1995
- Research Assistant, Central Laboratory of Kyungpook National University, 1995 ~ 1998
- Concurrent Researcher, Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (RIST), 2000 ∼ 2002
- Visiting Professor University of Hawaii, USA (Prof. Karl Seff) 2003. 12
- Visiting Professor University of Tokyo, Japan (Prof. Tatuya Okubo, KOSEF and JSPS) 2004. 07
- Visiting Professor University of Queensland, Australia (Prof. Gao Qing (Max) Lu, ANU & UQ) 2008. 01. 07 ~ 2009. 02.20
- Visiting Professor University of Queensland, Australia (Prof. Gao Qing (Max) Lu, KOSEF & AAS) 2009. 07. 04 ~ 2009. 08.03
- Visiting Professor Texas A & M, USA (Prof. Hae-kwon Jeong, LG 연암재단), 2015. 12. 28. ~ 2016. 02.15
- 한국제올라이트 학회 (Korean Zeolite Association) : 감사, 2017. 01. 01. ~ 2018. 12. 31.
- (사)한국광물학회 : 편집위원, 2018. 01. 01. ~ 2019. 12. 31.
- 대구경북지부 대한화학회 : 조직간사, 2020. 01 ~ 2020. 12.
- Editorial Board of 'Korean Science Education Society for the Gifted' (한국과학영재교육학회 편집위원), 2020. 5. ~ 현재
- Editorial Board of 'Materials' (The 2019 impact factor is 3.057)', 2020. 10. ~ 2022. 10.
- 대구경북지부 대한화학회 : 간사장, 2021. 01 ~ 2021. 12.
- 대구경북지부 대한화학회 : 감사, 2022. 01 ~ 현재
- 한국결정학회 : 운영이사, 2021. 01. 01 ~ 2022. 12. 31.
- (사)한국광물학회 : 편집위원, 2022. 01. 01. ~ 현재
- Lecturer, Department of Radiologic Technology, Taegu Health College, General Chemistry
- Lecturer, Department of Radiologic Technology, Taegu Health College, Radiochemistry and Radiophamacology
- Lecturer, Department of Radiologic Technology, Taegu Health College, Computer Science and Practice
- Lecturer, College of Liberal Art, Kyungil University, General Chemistry
- Lecturer, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Kyungpook National University, Experimental Physical Chemistry
- Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Catholic University of Daegu, Crystallography
- Assistant, Associate Prof. & Prof. at Department of Applied Chemistry, ANU, 2003 ~ Present
- Chairman of Department of Applied Chemistry, ANU, 2010. 03. 01 ~ 2011. 02. 28.
- Director of External Cooperation Department at ANU, 2011. 06 ~ 2013. 05 (대외교류협력본부장)
- Director of External Cooperation Department at ANU, 2017. 06 ~ 2019. 05 (대외교류협력본부장)
- Director of Science Education at ANU, 2019. 03 ~ 2021. 02 (안동대 과학영재교육원 원장)
- 경상북도 도교육청 영재교육진흥위원회 위원, 2019. 03 ~ 2021. 02
- 진로지도사 1급, 한국직업능력개발원 등록 2012-0135, KMA 한국능률협회
- Chairman of Department of Applied Chemistry, ANU, 2021. 03. 01 ~ 2023. 02. 28
- 경상북도 화재합동조사단 단원, 2022. 08 ~ 현재
- 총장추천위원회 위원장, 국립안동대학교, 2022. 11 ~ 2023. 06. 30.
- Director of Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation at ANU, 2023. 07. 10 ~ 현재 (산학협력단장)
- 과학기술정보통신부 장관 표창 (대한민국 과학기술정보통신부), 2022. 04. 21.
- LG Fund for Overseas Research Professor (연암해외연구교수 선정) 2015. 6. 29. (LG연암문화재단)
- Excellence Award in Research (Korea Association of University Research Institute and Industry (AURI))
- Academic Excellence Full-Scholarship for All Semester, Korea Student Aid Foundation (KOSAF) Fellowship, 1989∼1992
- Young Researcher Award, Korea Research Foundation (KRF), 1999
(1) Synthesis of Spatially Ordered Nanoclusters in zeolites
(2) Development Gas Storage using Zeolites
(3) Development Gas Separation method using Zeolites
(4) Characterization of Ion-exchange and Catalytic Site inside Zeolites
(5) Synthesis of Porous Materials
(1) Crystallographic Studies using Single-crystal X-ray Diffractometer
(2) Crystallographic Studies using Powder X-ray Diffractometer
(3) Construction of Hard X-ray Beamline for XRD/EXAFS Experiments
Single-crystal X-ray diffraction is the most powerful method for the determination of crystal structure because it gives very accurate access to the position and intensity of all reflections, and therefore gives the atomic positions, in contrast to XRD where only a few peaks can be observed It is often difficult to obtain sufficiently large single crystals of molecular sieves, although a 10 um single crystal is now sufficient given the recent development of high power synchrotron radiation. However, XRD is still of value for structural determination, especially since Rietveld refinement and computer simulation methods have been developed. The structures of many molecular sieves have been solved in this way.
XRD provides information on long-range order and is a recognized method for identifying crystalline materials by comparing the d-spacing and intensity of diffraction peaks with those of standard samples. XRD has many applications in the study of molecular sieves. The crystallinity of a series of samples is measured by comparing the peak heights (areas) with those of a standard sample taken to be 100% crystalline. The peaks which are chosen should have a high "stability" of height or area for various degrees of hydration and other factors.
(1) Single Crystal X-ray Crystallography
- Zeolite Structural Solution
- Organic Compound Structural Solution
- Inorganic Compound Structural Solution
- Organic Complex Structural Solution
(2) Powder X-ray Crystallography
(3) Usable Experimental Tools
- Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer
a. Enraf CAD4 4-circle System
b. Rigaku 4-circle System
c. KUMA 6-circle System
- Scanning Electron Microscopy
- XANES/EXAFS Spectroscopy
- InfraRed Spectroscopy
- UV-Visible Spectroscopy
- Gas-Chromator System
- SEM-EDS System
- X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
(4) Fabrication of Vacuum-line System
(5) Fabrication of High-pressure Line System
(6) Experience of Beamline Construction at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory
(7) Alignment of Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer
(8) Alignment of Beamline for XANES/EXAFS Experiments
(9) Alignment of Beamline for XRD Experiments
(10) Synthesis of Zeolitic Materials
(11) Usable Software
- Molen Package
- Shelx Program
- ORTEP-Ⅲ Program
- XP Program
- Powder-X Program
- UWXAFS Program
- WINXAS Program
- WINGX Program
- Phasan X Program
(12) Computer Skills
- VAX/VMS System
- Personal Compute
1) Development Gas Storage using Zeolite
2) Development Gas Separation Method using Zeolite
3) Fabrication of Nanoparticle Cluster in Zeolite
4) Characterization of Ion-exchange and Catalytic Site inside Zeolite
5) Synthesis of Porous Materials
6) Crystallographic Study using Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer
7) Crystallographic Study using Powder X-ray Diffractometer
9) Construction of Hard X-ray Beamline for XRD/EXAFS Eexperiment